Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Can a resident of mississippi under 21 be legally married in another state?

The legal age of majority in most states is 18, but in Mississippi it is 21. So, you can't get married until 21 without your parents' permission. (Actually they notify your parents and allow you to if your parents don't respond and say you can't after a certain amount of time.. but my parents would.)

Could someone that is 18, and a legal resident of Mississippi, be able to legally get married in another state? And if so, would it be recognized in the state of MS?Can a resident of mississippi under 21 be legally married in another state?
yes, people from all over the country flock to Las Vegas to get married.Can a resident of mississippi under 21 be legally married in another state?
Once you're married - you're married no matter what state you live in.
Yes, it would be legally recognized in all states.

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