Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Im O Negitive and i married a O Positive can i get problems in having a Baby? nd My Periods are never on time?

Im trying to get pregnant, but i Cant.. Im a O negitive and my Husband is a O Positive what can i do... and im periods are never on time can i still get pregnant?Im O Negitive and i married a O Positive can i get problems in having a Baby? nd My Periods are never on time?
You have whats called the RH factor, and it will not effect you from getting pregnant at all. So don't stress about that. There are things you can do. I suggest you start by reading a lot and learning about your situation. I could tell you several things about it, but then this would be a really long answer. Good luck and best wishes. I am also O- with an O+ hubby.Im O Negitive and i married a O Positive can i get problems in having a Baby? nd My Periods are never on time?
I am o-ve and my husband is b+ve, so like your case, we have chances of the baby being +ve or -ve, if incase the baby is +ve , then you got to take a shot within 72 hours of your delivers, for the antibodies created in you during delivery. So that these antibodies does not affect the next baby. With regard to geting pregnant, as long as you are ovulating there is always a chance you can get pregnant. Just try to keep track of your periods and try to calculate the ovulation days, or use a opk insteed. All the best dear, dont you worry.
you gotta see a naturopath who specializes in this area. find one in near you at http://www.naturopathic.org/findannd.php

this website might also have some useful information: http://www.dadamo.com/

the good news is that you are both O blood types. problems arrive when one partner is O and the other is A.

find an ND or MD who respects your legitimate concerns. dismiss those MD's who ridicule you b/c they don't understand blood type issues

someone already asked this question

if you ovulate, you can get pregnant
Yes, as long as you ovulate you have a chance of getting pregnant.

My husband and I are o pos. and o neg.!

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