Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is it possible to get married in Florida on a Sunday?

I was thinking of geting married and having a honeymoon at the same time. Is it possible to get married on a Sunday in the state of Florida - I'm a UK resident so any advice would be appreciated.Is it possible to get married in Florida on a Sunday?
Sunday is the day that most Jewish weddings occur. Since there are a lot of Jews in Florida, I'm sure it's legal.

And why would it be illegal to marry on Sunday?Is it possible to get married in Florida on a Sunday?
Hello, I am from Ireland and got married in Florida on a Saturday night on the Beach last may. What you do is go to the court house in the town where you want to get married and get a marriage licence it cost about 80 dollars I think then you must wait 3 days till you can marry, we paid a Justice of the Peace to Marry us on the beach. He just signed the licence to make it legal. We did need 2 witnesses so we just asked to people on the beach. So the licence needs to be got during office hours in the court house but the marriage to make it legal can be done anytime any day wherever you want.

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