Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can you justify a platonic relationship if you are married?

Is this ever justifiable or is it dishonest - can one love more than one person? It gets complicated I know because all good relationships develop beyond the start and need things like time together, physical contact and financial commitments to name a few - these things are not compatible with being married to another person.Can you justify a platonic relationship if you are married?
Quote: ';can one love more than one person?';

- Yes one can. Can a mother love more than one child? Of course she can. Then why would an adult not be able to love more than one person? If all partners agree and consent then a polyamorous relationship is just as good as a monagomus. The key is of course that you have to be open to all partners about it, no lies, no cheating. Only full honesty applies.

Quote: ';can you justify a platonic relationship if you are married?';

- With the one you are married to? Yes, but I don't see the point in it. With another person outside the marriage? Yes, it's called having friends, having friends is a good thing since we all need a social network.

Being polyamorous is not to be dishonest, having friends is not to be dishonest. To lie, deceive and cheat is dishonest. It doesn't matter if you are married or not, friends or not, if you lie or cheat then you are dishonest. Get it? Being completely honest and open about your relationships (friends and others) is not dishonesty, hiding, lying, and so on is.Can you justify a platonic relationship if you are married?
Don't see why not - it's not like you're doing something you shouldn't, just by being friends with someone.
Platonic relationships often involve or cross over the line into emotional attachments - especially for women. For women, the emotional cheating is much more painful than even physical cheating because you're saying that - the woman you're married to isn't enough as a friend for you. Platonic relationships with the opposite sex when you're married are really a no no. I mean - come on - what does a platonic relationship lead to? It doesn't just lead to nowhere. It leads to a physical or emotionally entanglement. It leads to pain for your spouse and problems in your marriage. It's not compatible with marriage unless you have one of those meaningless open marriages where anything goes. Why then would you marry in the first place? The point of marriage is one man or woman for life - if you're a man - why in the world would you want to tangle with more than one even platonically - that seems crazy to me. See a women get emotional about friendships - you can't call it ';pure'; and get away with it - for one noboby but yourself really believes it's not going to lead somewhere - you're really deceiving yourself. I mean it fine to chat or have a relationship that doesn't go deep - but you don't depend on another person of the opposite sex for anything - even friendship. There's a difference between a truly platonic relationship that respects your spouse and one that doesn't. It's hard to draw the line - that's what the conscience is for.
If the relationship is platonic I don't think you need to ';justify'; it at all. If you remain open and honest to your spouse about who you are meeting and what you are doing....

To my mind, its the deception, dishonesty and betrayal of trust which make ';affairs'; so acrimonious.

I think there are different forms and levels of love. The love you have for your spouse, with the sexual element and intimacy is just different to what you have with anyone else. But you can still love other people. You love your friends, sibling, parents etc. That is a very true and valid love, but you don't want sex with them do you?? I don't think there is anything wrong with loving people and having platonic relationships.

I guess you could introduce your platonic friend to your spouse so they know each other and know that each other exists...

If you are happy in your marriage and your are a solid, secure couple, I don't see why there would be any problem.

Good luck!
If the marrage is mature maybe if not forget it.
A platonic relationship and love are two different things. You dont need to justify being platonic with someone, but it is emotional infidelity to love another while married.
We love many people in many different ways: Parents/Children/Pets/Friends etc etc. Yes, you can have a platonic relationship with a married partner as long as its mutual and both partners share the responsibilities.
There is such a thing as having friends of the opposite sex and NOT lusting after them!!

I have male friends that are just that, FRIENDS. No sex thoughts. They have common interests with both myself and my husband. We talk about our farms, friends, the weather, politics, etc. Platonic means of or relating to or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy; ';Platonic dialogues';

free from physical desire; ';platonic love';

Platonic love, a pure, spiritual affection, subsisting

between persons of opposite sex, unmixed with carnal

desires, and regarding the mind only and its excellences;

-- a species of love for which Plato was a warm advocate.

I do have male friends that I dearly love, but not in a sexual way. It never entered my mind, and it would ruin EVERYTHING to go that route.

Don't confuse lust with platonic.

Men can have women friends and women can have men friends.
Are you referring to friends of one or both partners?

So long as it is truly platonic and so long as it does not make impositions on the marriage or the other partner, I don't see why not, after all we don't stop being friends merely because we are married.
I think you can love many people. The difference is that with a spouse you give more of yourself and of your commitment than to anyone else. Reason being you've made vows to that person.

That being said it doesn't mean that your friendship and kindness is restricted to the person you married. I think if you can find a good friend it's definitely worth the extra effort in building that new (or old) friendship. The thing is I thing most people are in all honesty too lazy and too afraid to try to be a good friend to more than one person.
If you are just talking about a non physical friendship with a member of the opposite sex, then this is fine. You should bring your wife/husband into the friendship too though.

If you are talking about a physical relationship with someone else which is secret from your partner, then this is definitely wrong.
NO. platonic relationship means ';no touch'; . that partner married u, in need for a touch, among others. platonic marriage is like two molecules of chlorine in a bucket of water. no results.
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